Class Types

  • Our classic outdoor Pilates class! Challenge yourself with movement, holds and pulses while enjoying the gorgeous scenery and jamming to some hot tunes! Unleash your inner and outer HOT GRL during this 45 minute full-body Pilates class.

  • Come get sweaty in the park the HOT GRL way! Our High Intensity Interval Training workout will leave you feeling tight, toned, and confident! Some workouts will use lighter equipment (bands, weights, etc) and others will be equipment-less. If you're new to HIIT or fitness, have no fear! Modifications are offered, and you can work at your own speed!

  • A dynamic approach to hot flow yoga. Join us for all the juicy twists, circles, holds, and flows with an emphasis on burning out our tiny muscles, much like Pilates.

Book a class!

St. Pete’s HOTTEST new Pop-Up fitness company:

Hot Pilates, Hot HIIT, Hot Yoga and more!

Get your HOT GRL sweat on outdoors!